General Janoušek Commemorative Medal has new owners

  • 3.1.2022

The commemorative medals, which bear the name of a legend of Czech aviation, have been awarded to fourteen personalities as an expression of appreciation for the significant development of our Air Force.

Eleven former members of the Air Force personally received the Commemorative Medals of General of the Army Karel Janoušek in the House of the Army in Prague on 3 November 2021;  the other three members could not attend in person. “This award ceremony is not only remembrance of the famous air general, but of all the men who contributed to our country and the development of military aviation; unfortunately, many of them gave their lives for these ideals. For my part, I can say that I am very happy to meet the personalities who have significantly contributed to the development of our Air Force,“ Lukáš Klučka, Deputy Minister of Defence, Organizations Management Division, said during the ceremony.

He assured aviation veterans that the Ministry of Defence would try to do everything possible to ensure that Czech airmen are among the best in the alliance in the future. “The readiness  of aviation personnel, new technology, modernization projects, and our involvement in building safe European sky is the way to best fulfil the legacy of General of the Army Karel Janoušek,“ added Deputy Minister.

General Janoušek´s niece and her husband attended the award ceremony as well.  All the medal-decorated agreed that it was a great honour for them.
