EUMAAC in Prague

  • 14.7.2022

The meeting of the Directors of  the European Military Aviation Authorities (European Military Aviation Authorities Conference - EUMAAC) was held in Prague on 8 – 10 June 2022  under the auspices of the Deputy Minister of  Defence for the Management of the Industrial Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Defence, PhDr. Tomáš Kopečný.    This year´s meeting was attended by the representatives of 14 nations from a total of 17 EUMAAC member states, and for the first time a representative of the Office of the Air Force of the Slovak Republic as  a guest.

The meeting was opened by assuming the chairmanship of the Committee for the following period; on behalf of the Czech Republic, the Director of the Department of Supervision over Military Aviation (i. e., Military Aviation Authority) assumed the chairmanship from the Director of the Military Aviation Authority of Switzerland.

In terms of the agenda, particular attention was  paid to the issues related to the provision of air traffic control service / air navigation services in current conditions, the issue of  the development of unmanned systems, and a discussion concerning the further direction of  the EUMAAC to strengthen mutual cooperation and intensify involvement in addressing current topics.

During the meeting, the issue of resilience of ATM/CNS systems was presented by  the representatives of ELDIS and ERA enterprises, followed  by the representatives of  the Office for Defence Standardization, Cataloguing and State Quality Assuarance and  by the Military Technical Institute of Air Force in the section covering a closer presentation of national procedures.

The conference has served its purpose and confirmed the importance of the meeting of the representatives of European military aviation authorities at the highest level.

The host country of  EUMAAC 2023 will be Sweden; the exact date of the meeting will be stated with respect to other activities being planned.
